Tip to get your home winter-ready

Winter is coming… And that means the rains are coming too.

Don’t be caught off guard when the winter season finally hits. Make sure your home is winter-ready.

With a little elbow grease and a few tools you can do most of these jobs yourself, which should save

you some money in the long run. Others might require a little extra help.

Here are our top 5 items to add to your winter maintenance checklist:

1. Hit the roof

Start off your winter home preparations by doing a thorough inspection of your roof.

Look out for loose, damaged or missing shingles that need to be replaced to prevent leaks during the rainy season. Also check and repair breaks in the flashing seals in the areas surrounding chimneys or vent stacks.

You might also need to head up to the roof to clean or blow out leaves and other debris that has built up over time.

2. Pay attention to windows

Check all window and door frames for gaps.

If there are any gaps between siding and the frame larger than a R1 coin, you will need to apply sealant or silicon to fill them. Silicon is useful in that it doesn’t shrink in size once dry and it’s element-resistant.

Be sure to check the condition of the window-glazing putty which helps seal the window glass into the frame itself.

3. Clean the gutters

Unfortunately you can’t avoid this dirty job forever.

If your gutters get too clogged with leaves and other debris, rainwater can build up and cause damage to your roof and the sides of the house. Be sure to have them cleaned out before the rainy season arrives.

While you’re inspecting your gutters, keep an eye out for missing or damaged gutter sections and have them repaired.

4. Manage mould and damp

Damp and mould is usually a sign that water or moisture is getting in where it shouldn’t.

It’s important that mould and damp is dealt with quickly, as it could have serious health implications.

Do a property walkabout and inspect your exterior walls, foundations, windows and roof. If you notice the early onset of damp and mould, it’s usually possible to clean and manage it yourself.

Depending on its severity, it might be wise to call in the help of an expert.

5. Don’t rake your leaves

The summer season has likely wreaked havoc on your lawn, but autumn leaves could save it. You might be tempted to rake up autumn leaves before winter, but don’t.

Rather leave them as they are and mow over them using a mulching lawn mower. The leaves will be chopped into lots of little pieces, which make great organic matter the keep your lawn in good condition.

The same can be done with mowed grass.

Don’t leave these important home maintenance jobs for the last minute. Get them done now, and you can enjoy the winter season the way you should: snug indoors with a mug of steaming hot chocolate.

14 Mar 2017
Author Seeff
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